So apparently there has been empirical, economic and journalistic analysis of my lifetyle in our hearty economy! Apparently I've been part of the " gig economy " and I didn't even know about it! What a trendy title as well; a "gig", why I sound like a young rock start fighting his way into the limelight! Alright, so basically this gig economy is the idea of individuals holding multiple jobs or engaging in various types of contract work rather than working for one company full-time. Freelancers, part-timers, or temps are other terms for these individuals but the main idea is that these people do lots of different stuff at more than one place for money. Now the gig economy has always been around, but apparently now it's gotten more prevalent to the point where 1/3rd of the workforce is in some way involved in the gig economy. How great! So now it's sort of a big deal due to our economic downturn as this has become fairly e...